Right Game, Wrong Place a Case Study: Using a gamified AR application in a heritage context to promote engagement and Learning

This chapter details and seeks to learn lessons from a not entirely successful attempt to utilise gamified processes within a downloadable smartphone Augmented Reality application situated in a heritage context of national (UK) significance. This project incorporated two distinct game modes, both of which sought to simultaneously provide users with information and motivate continued engagement. These lessons learnt pertain specifically to three core threads, the first, being of fundamental importance to gamification, is that of challenge, how this links to user motivation, audience ability and prior knowledge. The second considers methodology, specifically the observation of “representative” and “expert users” and how their comparison can provide insight. The final and most significant thread, reflects upon gamified content in relation to context, user expectation and environmental influences. With the conclusion offered intended to assist others who seek to utilise gamification in similar or divergent context, by outlining the mistakes made and successes encountered in this case study.

Full Text Available at https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/83982


From Space to Interface: Augmented Reality, a Model for Participation